Castro Alonso Asesores


After more than three decades at the forefront of corporate risk management, Castroalonso is, today, a professional services firm, focused on people and committed to preserving the value generated by its clients in the current digital context. Castroalonso addresses this challenge from its offices located in the north of Spain; but imbued with an international ambition. And it does so from the triple perspective of Digital Law, Ethics and Compliance.



CONTACT DETAILS 985 35 44 71


  • Capacities in Digital Law in the areas of intangible asset protection, personal data protection or other emerging technologies, among others.
  • Capacities in Digital Ethics in the spaces of corporate ethics and the ethics of “the digital” (algorithmic biases of AI or others).
  • Capacities in terms of Digital Assurance (Cybersecurity) in the Information Technology (IT), Operational Technology (OT) and Decentralised Technology (DT/Blockchain/Web3) spaces.
  • Capacities in the area of Regulatory Compliance and regulatory compliance.
  • Capacities in terms of training in the areas of cybersecurity and computer forensics, aimed at the Armed Forces and Security Forces.
  • Capacities in [Ciber] [Cyber]Intelligence Reporting for companies and organisations in the public and private sectors.

Success stories

University Centre of the Guardia Civil (Spanish State Security Forces)

  • Technical advice on iniciatives to promote the culture of security promoted by the CUGC in collaboration with the Command posts.
  • Cooperation in the coordination of the National Cyber Chanllenge League (NCL-GC) organised by the Guardia Civil foundation.
  • European RDI projects (GUARDIANS, HOUSE AS CARER, AGORA) with the role of ethical-legal expert.
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