AILEEN: centres of vocAtIonaL Excellence in aErospace defence for advanced maNufacturing

AILEEN: centres of vocAtIonaL Excellence in aErospace defence for advanced maNufacturing

AILEEN create advanced manufacturing and welding training ecosystem aligned with the needs of the aerospace and defence industry

Programme: Erasmus+

Objective: To create advanced manufacturing and welding training ecosystems aligned with the needs of the aerospace and defense industry:

  • Addressing the skills needs of the aerospace and defence workforce through the development of excellent vocational training centres (CoVES) for advanced manufacturing technologies.
  • Develop technological, digital and green advanced manufacturing skills
  • Update of European/International Curricula for Welding Qualifications and Fabrication Qualifications Additive Manufacturing qualifications according to the specific requirements of the Aerospace and Defence ecosystems.

Consortium: 18 partners from 7 countries counting industrial representatives from the AM sector, technology centres, vocational training (VET) and/or higher education (HE) institutions, and industrial associations. EWF (coordinator), Idonial, Asturias Defence Hub, LAK, Mercantec, ISQ, BIL, CenSec, FAN3D, Cesol, Fraunhofer, MTC, EOS, UBRUN, PRI, Meltio/Sicnova, TAI, Gedik University

Duration: June 2023- May 2027

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 101103507


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