AILEEN: Third project meeting
On this occasion Asturias Hub Defensa, together with its partner IDONIAL, travelled to Viborg in Denmark to hold the third meeting with the rest of the meeting with the rest of the partners of theAILEEN project.
The meeting reflected on what has been achieved during these 15 months and planned the next activities.
During these three days we have:
- Delving into the different work packages that are being implemented, sharing valuable input and ideas on the transition of AILEEN from the development phase to the implementation phase.
- Worked on the motivations for being part of a COVES.
- Researched who our stakeholders are.
- Developed standards and training materials.
- Coordinating the next steps of each work package and work package and determine the new consortium meeting date.
If you want to know more about AILEEN:
- Project website:
- Página de LinkedIn: aileencove
- Contact any of the project partners.
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